Update 8/15/24: Deal is back for Staples.com only
The Offer
Check your Chase Offers to save the following deal:
Earn 10% back on your Staples.com purchase, with a $10 back maximum.
Others got 20%, same $10 maximum.
The Fine Print
Offer valid one time only.
Payment must be made directly with the merchant. Offer not valid on third-party services. Payment must be made on or before offer expiration date.
Our Verdict
I hate that Chase Offers don’t make it clear whether it’s a store offer or online offer. There is a ‘Shop Staples’ link which would indicate it works online, though we once had a data point from a similar offer that it does not work online. Should work in-store. Let us know your prior experiences.
I’m not sure if this offer is showing with any of the other banks – a number of banks use the same back end for these offers. This includes: Chase, Bank of America, Regions Bank, Suntrust Bank, BBVA, BB&T, PNC, Columbia Bank, Beneficial Bank, and Christian Community CU. You can read this post for more information.
Gift cards can be purchases from Staples, both in store and online, including Visa gift cards. This Chase Offer times well with the deal to get fee-free Visa gift cards at Staples stores. (The online deal has expired already.)
Post History:
Update 6/26/24: Deal is back through August 8, 2024.
Update 3/15/24: Deal is back through 4/30/24 with a max $17 cashback. Important: This time it’s only for Staples.com online purchase. The terms also exclude gift cards for this deal. (ht to reader Tikky)
Update 6/24/23: Deal is back through July 9th or 10th. Higher max cashback of $22 this time.
Update 5/26/23: Deal is back.