The Offer
Pepper app is offering the following unlimited deal:
Earn 10X points on your unlimited Airbnb purchases (4x instantly, 6X on 8/31), Delta Air Lines purchases(4X instantly, 6X on 8/31), purchases (5X instantly, 5X on 8/31), and Southwest Airlines purchases (4X instantly, 6X on 8/31) purchases.
Earn 12.5X points on your unlimited Groupon purchases (5X instantly, 7.5X on 8/31).
Earn 9X points on your unlimited Hopper purchases (3X instantly, 6X on 8/31).
The Fine Print
Offer valid from 8/12/24 at 11:00am et to 8/13/24 at 11:59pm et.
Payment must be made using your Pepper Rewards account to qualify. All bonus points will be awarded on
8/31/24 directly into your Pepper account. The promotion is subject to change without notice, and participation
confirms acceptance of these terms.
Our Verdict
Nice discount from Pepper. Reports are that Amex Business Gold to earn 4x if it’s one of your top two categories. And reports are that it counts as Online Shopping for BofA cards and Blue Cash card and ShopYourWay card. And it counts as Computer Software category for BofA Customized Cash Rewards cards.
Also, it’s been said that Pepper purchases can trigger Chase Offers since the charge shows up with the merchant listed, and so this might possibly stack with a Chase Offer for Southwest.
Note: While these deals are unlimited, Pepper might put some limitation on how much volume you can order from your account overall. They might increase your buying power through the verification.
My thanks if you enter my signup code 584255 during the initial signup process. No referral links or references in the comments below, please.