The Offer
Pepper app is offering the following deals for August 14 – August 16, 2024:
Earn 10X points on your unlimited Ikea purchases.
Earn 14X points on your unlimited PetSmart purchases.
Earn 8X points on your Chipotle purchase (limit: one time use, $500 max spend).
Earn 9X Points on your Uber purchase (limit: one time use, max spend $500).
Earn 10x points on your Kohl’s purchase (limit: one time use, $500 max spend).
Earn 7.5X points on your unlimited Macy’s purchases.
Earn 12.5X points on your unlimited Big Lots purchases.
The standard Pepper points will be instantly available and the bonus Pepper points will be awarded on 8/31.
Our Verdict
Some decent discounts here from Pepper app.
Reports are that Amex Business Gold to earn 4x if it’s one of your top two categories. And reports are that it counts as Online Shopping for BofA cards and Blue Cash card and ShopYourWay card. And it counts as Computer Software category for BofA Customized Cash Rewards cards and for 1.5x on the Business Platinum card.
My thanks if you enter my signup code 584255 during the initial signup process. Those who signup with a referral code get double Pepper points on all purchases for 15 days. (Not clear whether these bonus deals will be doubled.) No referral links or references in the comments below, please.