The Offer
Apple is once again running their annual back-to-school event for students:
Get $150 Apple gift card with the purchase of Macbooks Air, Macbook Pro, and iMac.
Get $100 Apple gift card with the purchase of Mac mini.
Get $100 Apple gift card with the purchase of various iPad models.
Students also get 20% off AppleCare+ plans.
The Fine Print
Valid June 20 – September 30, 2024
Our Verdict
This is a nice double stack with the built-in student discount from the Apple EDU store, combined with the gift card deal. A third stack would be if you pay with Apple gift cards purchased with some sort of discount or fuel points.
Be sure to compare prices to Amazon (affiliate link) and other retailers since buying direct from Apple is usually more expensive. That said, with the double stack you’ll most likely come out ahead purchasing direct.