Over the last few days a few eagle eyed readers have noticed that other sites have posted content regarding the Citi Strata Premier card only to delete it later. I can see two possible reasons as to why this was the case:
Citi gave these outlets some information under embargo. Normally when the information is leaked/posted elsewhere the embargo is lifted and you’re free to post about it. The information briefly became accessible on the Citi website so most of the time this would lift the embargo early.
These sites have Citi affiliate links and Citi is using this relationship to prevent them discussing this card until the official launch. It’s unclear why exactly Citi would be doing this.
We have run into both issues before. In fact #1 happened recently and we simply told that financial institution to stop sending us information under embargo as we wanted the freedom to post about information whenever it was made public and didn’t think they were being fair with the embargo. We don’t use affiliate links for credit card or bank accounts to prevent #2 from happening as well.