Update 11/22/23: Deal is back:
Set up monthly reoccurring electronic deposits of $50 or more until 6/30/24
Initial Deposit $500 or more = $50 bonus OR
Initial Deposit $1000 or more = $100 bonus
Update 9/6/23: Deal is back this time $100 bonus when you deposit $1,000. Hat tip to abc
The Offer
Michigan Education Savings Program is offering a bonus of $50 when you open a new account and contribute $500 or contribute $500 to an existing account
The Fine Print
Full fine print can be found here
Our Verdict
We posted a similar deal for ScholarShare, but that was deposit $1,000 and get $100. I have no idea what the best plans are, especially when it comes to tax so make sure to do your own research or consult a professional.