Amazon and are selling the Apple AirTag 4-pack on sale for $76.88.
Amazon for $76.88 (affiliate link), stack with Shop With Points and Card Link deals for $76.88 (affiliate link), stack with Chase/BofA/U.S. Bank Offer for additional 5% back; try going through a shopping portal as well (promo code WOWFRESH might work for $10 off $50 if you’ve never used it before; try store pickup as it might work better)
This is near the lowest price we’ve ever seen on AirTags. Personally, I bought a 4-pack a number of weeks ago at $89.99 before heading out for some travel. A lot of people find AirTags useful for tracking luggage and a host of other uses. These should be eligible for the extended holiday return window through January 31, 2024.