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Home » OpenCare: Book New Dentist Appointment Via Referral Link & Get $125 Visa Each

OpenCare: Book New Dentist Appointment Via Referral Link & Get $125 Visa Each

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The Offer


Use a referral link to book a new dental appointment via OpenCare and each of you will get a bonus $125 Visa gift card.

The Fine Print

The Opencare Gift Card Reward Program (the “Program”) rewards registered Opencare members (an “Opencare Member”) with a gift card after he or she schedules and attends for an appointment with a new dentist that has been booked using the Opencare online platform. To participate, Opencare Members must agree to these terms, which become part of the Opencare Terms of Use.
Opencare Members may earn a gift card if all of the following conditions are met:
The Opencare Member must book an appointment for a new patient exam and cleaning with a new dentist, having never before attended at that dentist.
The Opencare Member must use the Opencare online platform only, to schedule his or her dental appointment for treatment. Dental appointments schedule by telephone, in person or by other means are strictly excluded from the Program.
Dental consultations do not qualify for a gift card and are specifically excluded from the Program;
The Opencare Member attends for and receives dental treatment from a qualified dental office registered with Opencare;
The Opencare Member is at least 18 years old on the date of the dental appointment in respect of the claim made under the Program
The Opencare Member must have personally received the dental treatment for which the claim for redemption of the offer under this Program is made; and
The Opencare Member has not previously claimed a gift card from Opencare under the Program, for attending an appointment with a new dentist.
For greater clarity, the Program is not open to returning members of Opencare, or returning patients of any dentist registered with Opencare.
The Program is strictly limited to one claim and redemption of offer per person.
The Opencare Member must submit their dental receipt using the Opencare claim form.
The Opencare Member must redeem the offer for the gift card within six (6) months of the original appointment date.
Upon receipt by Opencare of the claim form and official dental receipt indicating the date of the appointment, name of the dental office and dentist, treatment rendered, and name of the patient, Opencare will process the claim and provide the Opencare Member with a gift card by electronic mail, in the amount described in the original offer to the Opencare Member.
Opencare strictly reserves the right to refuse a claim made under the Program if it believes, acting reasonably, in its sole and unfettered discretion, that an Opencare Member and or a claim for gift card made under the Program is invalid for any reason whatsoever.

Our Verdict

Looks like a sweet deal for someone who is in the market for a dentist which they haven’t used before. The terms indicate this will work for an ordinary cleaning/exam.

I imagine regular local dentists will show up in the OpenCare system, but not entirely sure. Of course do your research to ensure you are comfortable with the qualifications and experience of the dentist before using them. I tried going through the system, and I’m waiting for their email now. Let us know if you are successful with the process.

Feel free to share your referral links in the comments below. Do not add any words to the comment other than the referral link. (You can discuss the deal in separate comments.) Please let someone know if you use their referral link.

Hat tip to reader mytej

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